The Thundermans Fanon Wiki

This article, Damien Thunderman, is property of Superjokertv.

Damien Thunderman
Full Name

Damien Owen Thunderman


Thunder Boy (superhero name)
Dark Chaos (supervillain name)
Dami (by Barb)
Dweeb (by Phoebe and Nora)
Evil Bro (by Max)
Dan (by Mrs. Wong)




May 18th 2000 (age 16)

Resides In

Metroburg (formerly)


Member of Z-Force


Hiddenville High
SASS (formerly)


Hank Thunderman (father)
Barb Thunderman (mother)
Phoebe Thunderman (older sister)
Max Thunderman (older brother)
Billy Thunderman (younger brother)
Nora Thunderman (younger sister)
Chloe Thunderman (younger sister)
Blobbin (cousin)
Mandy McBooger (aunt)


Simone Kickbutt (dated)
Taylor Hathaway (former crush)
Veronica (ex-girlfriend)
Sarah (crush-by-on)
Maddy (crush)
Roxy (crush-by-on)
Quinn (former crush)
Cherry Seinfeld (crush-by-on)
Allison (crush)
Candi Falconman (crush-by-on)


Dr. Colosso
Cherry Seinfeld


Principal Bradford
Mrs. Wong
King Crab
Green Ghoul
Dark Mayhem


Link Evilman
Lionel, Jake, and Tom

Eye Color


Hair Color





1, 2, 3, 4

First Seen

Adventures in Supersitting

Portrayed By

Mateus Ward

Damien Owen Thunderman is a main character on The Thundermans. He is the son of the retired superheroes, Hank and Barb Thunderman. Damien is portrayed by Mateus Ward.

Power and Abilities[]

  • Hydrokinesis: Damien can manipulate water with his mind. He can control every form and great volumes of water, being even able to summon and heal his wounds and cure himself of most poisons with it. He can control it in order to make it explode, or use it to grab something. He can control the water around him to propel himself through water and can shoot it. He does not get wet if submerged in water, unless he wants to. He can also dry items underwater (as long as he holds onto it).
  • Water-Induced Abilities: When in contact with or in the presence of water, Damien gains a disproportionate amount of superhuman clarity, strength, speed, agility, and endurance. However, this only lasts for a limited amount of time unless he is completely submerged in water.
  • Healing Factor: Damien can heals himself from any wound and most poisons when he comes into contact with water, the amount of water and time needed for the healing being proportionate to the severity of the wound.
  • Underwater Breathing: Damien can breathe underwater and diffuse the oxygen in the water to create oxygen bubbles that allow his friends to breathe underwater.
  • Water Solidification: Damien can harden water into an almost solid shape. He can use this power to walk on water, by increasing the surface tension of the water to the point where it is solid enough for him to stand on, water constructs, and also create a strong water shield.
  • Aerokinesis: Damien can create, shape and manipulate air. He can create strong winds, which he can use to create storms such as hurricanes and typhoons.
  • Invisibility: Damien is capable of rendering himself invisible by just thinking about it. Unlike his aunt, he is also capable of rendering others invisible.
  • Super Intelligence: Like his older siblings, Damien has super intelligence. He is very good in science and has invented a lot of gadgets, machines and has proven himself to be super smart.
  • Thundersense: Like his older siblings, Damien has the ability to sense danger before it occurs. However it is not always specific enough to tell what the danger is.
  • True Sight: As a superhero, he has the power to see and hear ghosts.

Former Powers[]

These are not a complete list of Dark Mayhem's powers that Damien gained from the orb, but they are the ones listed in Thundermans: Secret Revealed. However, it slowly turned him evil and he started to experience weird dreams of him being Evil. Later in Thunder in Paradise, Max attempted to use the orb on Damien but he destroyed it and he had to use what was left of the orb to get Dark Mayhem's evil powers out of Damien. Afterwards the orb and the evil powers were permanently destroyed.

  • Ergokinesis: Damien can create easily energy balls that was his main offensive system or using energy in various ways, too. He has ability to manipulate and generate energy (as well as manipulating other forms of energy like fire, electricity, plasma, and electromagnetism). This energy manifests in a greenish color and can be used to destroy, push, and even disintegrate his targets. He can use it multiple times and easily create energy spheres has both plasma and electromagnetism energy that can easily disintegrate/destroy anything, including Thundertanium, when his energy sphere touches it. He is capable of using energy to exerting strong force from his muscles.
  • Electrokinesis: Damien is capable of creating and manipulating electric energy. He can causes the electricity in the room to start flickering and generating sparks, disrupting anything electronic.
  • Plasma Manipulation: Damien can create and plasma balls and manipulate electromagnetism energy.
  • Laser Vision/Heat Vision: Damien can shoot laser beams from his eyes much like Nora except it vaporizes or, if used on anything with circuitry, fries its targets. It can dismantle objects, easily breaking them apart, as it did with a toaster.
  • Force Field Generation: Damien is capable of creating a force field that capable of blocking attacks and imprison others. He is also capable of shrinking his force-fields into force field spheres and use them as projectiles that can offend and defend himself. These projectiles are green as his energy spheres so it is very confusing for his opponent.
  • Flight/Levitation: Damien is capable of flying and levitating.


  • Photographic Memory: Damien has a photographic memory that allows her to remember information or visual images in great detail even after seeing it for a very short time.
  • Acrobatics: Damien can do flips and backflips, and cartwheels all over the place.
  • Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Damien is quite skilled at hand-to-hand combat. He has taken on both Dark Mayhem and his sister, Phoebe with using nothing but his physical prowess.
  • Master Engineer: Damien has shown to be able to invent and engineer electronic devices and gadgets.


  • He owns several teleportation devices.
  • He has a evil lair.
  • According to Damien, it is below the surface of the Earth.
  • There is a hyperlift hidden behind the wall on the right side of his bed that goes down to it.
  • They are various components like a supercomputer, cyberdesk, hologram suite, TV and monitors, weapons room and laboratory equipment.
  • It has secret passageways connected to it, one led to the subway station.
  • He had a crush on Cherry, and even kissed her once.
  • He is a very skilled hand-to-hand fighter as seen in Haunted Thundermans.
  • In Why You Buggin'?, it's revealed that he is afraid of bugs.
  • His middle name, Owen was revealed in Evil Never Sleeps.
  • He is shown in No Country for Old Mentors to be a great inventor.